The Vidyasaarthi Scholarship was launched by the NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited. Students are pursuing undergraduate courses, ITI, B.E/B.Tech diplomas can apply for this scholarship scheme through the online portal. The students can apply for different financial plans they are eligible for. Industries, Corporates and Fund providers promote the development of skills among the students and provide finances for their education. The government has initiated this Vidyasaarthi Scholarship Scheme to provide educational facilities to the economically backward sections of the society so that they can continue with their higher education with a financial burden.
Through this online portal, different scholarships are given to the various meritorious students of India for them to continue their education hassle-free and without worrying about finances. The corporate sector of the country plays a vital role in the development of finances. With the help of this scholarship, the literacy rate of the country will go up, and it will also enhance the employment rate. The Vidyasaarthi Scholarship doesn’t charge any amount for the application. The needy students can directly visit the Official website and apply.
Details of the Vidyasaarthi Scholarship:-
Name of the Scholarship: ACC Vidyasaarthi Scholarship
Developed By: NSDL e-Governance Infrastructure Limited
The scholarship is given to Students
Objective: To provide higher education to eligible candidates
Eligibility: Under Graduate Course, ITI, B.E./B.Tech, Diploma.
Apply Mode: Online
Types of Vidyasaarthi Scholarship:-
Concord Biotech Limited Scholarship for the B.E / B.Tech Courses
Concord Biotech Limited Scholarship for ITI students
The Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for students of class 12
Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for Class 11 Students
Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for Students Pursuing full-time ITI
The Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for UnderGraduate students
Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for Students studying Full-time Postgraduate Courses
Sterling and Wilson Solar Scholarship for Diploma/ Polytechnic Students
Eligibility Criteria:-
• The scholarship is not applicable for ACC employees and their children.
• Total Family Income from all sources should not be more than five lakhs.
• For undergraduate students, they must have scored a minimum of 50% marks in their class 12 examination.
• For B.E/B.Tech students minimum of 50% marks in class 12 and 50% marks in the diploma is required.
• For students of ITI, the minimum required marks in the class 10 examination is 35%.
• For a student studying for a diploma, the minimum marks required in class 10 is 50%.
• Thecanidatesmusthavetheiradharcardandcategorycertificate.
Documents Required:-
• Admission confirmation letter
• Income Certificate of the Family
• Aadhar Card/Pan card
• Bank AC Details mentioning A/C number and IFSC code.
• Community Certificate or Caste Certificate.
• Mark sheet of class X, XII and other
• Fee Receipt of Current Institutions
• Address proof
• Domicile Certificate
How to Apply:-
• Go to the Official website (
• Candidates must register themselves on the portal through the link provided on the right-hand side.
• Fill up all the details and information asked in the form and complete your profile.
• Read the instruction carefully
• Attach all the Documents Required
• Click on Submit Button
• The application Has Been Generated. Save this for Future Use
Contact Details:-
For any query :
Address (Head Office) – Times Tower, 1st Floor, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013.
Tel – (022) 4090 4484
Fax – (022) 2491 5217
e-mail ID: [email protected] (Working Hours- Monday to Friday – 9:30 am to 6 pm)
ConcordBiotechLimitedScholarshipfortheB.E/B.TechCourses applicants are provided Rs 40000 per year.
ConcordBiotechLimitedScholarshipforITIstudents are given Rs 15000 per year.
TheSterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforstudentsofclass12 are awarded Rs 10000.
SterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforClass11Students are rewarded Rs 10000
SterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforStudentsPursuingfull-timeITI Rs 10000 are given.
TheSterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforUnderGraduatestudents are offered Rs 30000.
SterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforStudentsstudyingFull-timePostgraduateCourses, the scholarship amount is Rs 40000.
SterlingandWilsonSolarScholarshipforDiploma/PolytechnicStudents are provided Rs 10000
Official Scholarship Website:-
If you want to renew your scholarship, it can be renewed for the perioed of 5 years for the graduation level student. Students have to log in their id.
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How can Be checked Vidyasaarthi Scholarship?
Go to the Online portal (
- & click on the “Track Application” & follow the instructions.
- Can I Edit My Information that is already saved?
Yes, You can edit before Lock Your Profile.