Post Matric Scholarship 2021 – Effective Details You Need To Check Now.


The government of Bihar has initiated the Post Matric Scholarship Scheme. The students belonging to the SC, ST, BC, and EBC categories can apply for this scholarship. Vijay Kumar Choudhary, the Education Minister of Bihar, said that the students of Bihar would not lack behind their education due to any financial or economic crisis. Earlier, due to failure in documentation, many students were unable to apply for this scheme. Hence through this online portal, they can easily apply for the scholarship scheme without much hassle. More than 3.22 lakh students will get benefited from this scheme. The ministry has given Rs 171 crores for the category of students those who come under the Post matric scholarship scheme.

Nitish Kumar, the chief minister of Bihar, had consulted the education minister of Bihar to work on this scholarship scheme. The students who cannot afford their tuition fees, school fees, college fees will benefit from this scheme. The Central Govt of India sponsors this scheme for the category students. Candidate those who apply for this scholarship scheme need not pay any registration fee. This scheme mainly benefits the backward class students and aims to help the weaker sections economically. Registered students will directly get the scholarship amount in their respective bank accounts.

Details of Post Matric Scholarship:-

Scholarship Name:- Bihar Post Matric Scholarship
Organization:- Education Department, Govt of Bihar
Apply mode:- Online
Category:- SC, ST, BC, EBC
Moto:- To help Financially backward students for Higher studies.

Eligibility Criteria:-

•The Student Should be a citizen of Bihar.
•Students should have completed their class 10.
•Student must be studying in school under the Education Council /board/university of the State or Central Government.
•Total Family Income should not be more than 2 lakh.
•Only two students of the family with being awarded this scholarship scheme.
•The candidates must have their aadhar card and caste or category certificate.

Documents Required:-

• Income Certificate of the Family
• Aadhar Card
• Bank AC Details
• Community Certificate
• Marksheets of class 10
• Fee Receipt of Current Institution
• Student’s Photograph

How to Apply:-

• At First, Click on the Official website pm
• Click on Scholarship
• Click on New Registration Options
• Now go to the category options and select the category.
• Now fill the all required information in the Application Form
• Attach all the Documents Required
• Click on Submit Button
• The application Has Been Generated. Save this for Future Use

Contact Details:-

Helpline Number: 02249150800

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Renewal Application:-

The student will have to pass the previous examination.
If the student fails in a year, they will not be paid the scholarship for that particular year.
The student will have to apply for the renewal of the scholarship each year.

Selection Process:-

For minorities, the fixed number of scholarships is limited. Applicants from the BPL families will be given preferences first. There is no merit list generated for the renewal cases. Renewal students will get the scholarship award only if they have obtained 50% marks in the previous year’s examination. The applicant’s application will be verified by the respective authorities and approved by the state governments.


Students of class 10 will be given an amount of Rs 7000 per annum
Students studying in the vocational courses in classes 11 and 12 will be given a scholarship of Rs 10000 per annum.
Undergraduate and post-graduate students will be given an amount of Rs 3000 per annum.
Students of M.phill and Ph.D. will be given an amount of 15000 per annum.

Official Scholarship Website:-



  1. How can Be checked Post Matric Scholarship Scholarship?
    Go to the Online portal (pm & click on the “Track Application,” & follow the instructions.
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