UPSC NDA & NA Examination 2021:– As per a recent announcement, The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has invited applications for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA (National Defence Academy). The application process has begun and will continue till 29th June. Interested candidates can apply through the official website – Before heading to fill the application form, candidates are advised to go through the detailed notification posted on the site. All candidates are required to go through this recruitment notification for educational qualification, experience, selection criteria and other details here.
Full Details About UPSC NDA & NA Examination
Advt No:- 10/2021-NDA-II
Official Website:-
Name of Examination:- National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination
Vacancy Details:- National Defence Academy: Total 370 (208 for Army, 42 for Navy and 120 for Air Force)
Naval Academy: 30
Language:– English & Hindi
Qualification:- 12th class
Exam Stages:- Written Test & SSB Interview
Exam Mode:- Offline
Exam duration:- Five hours (Mathematics: 2 ½ hours, General Ability Test (GAT): 2 ½ hours)
Closing Date:- 29.06.2021
Full Details about Union Public Service Commission Examination 2021
Education qualification is very important for this job recruitment. For Army Wing of National Defence Academy: Candidate must be 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of school education or equivalent examination conducted by a state education board or a university.
Age Limit:-
Only unmarried male candidates born not earlier than 02nd January 2003 and not later than 1st January 2006 are eligible.
Age Relaxation:-
If you are from SC / ST / OBC / PH, you will have age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC the age relaxation is 3 / 5 / 7 years ( Maybe ). 10 years of age for Person with Disability candidates. For general candidates, there is no age relaxation as per this job notification.
Important Dates:-
Last dates for application submission: 29th June
Applications can be withdrawn from July 6 to July 12
Examination: 5th September
Facilitation counter:-
In case of any information or clarification regarding the application, candidates can contact UPSC Facilitation Counter near Gate ‘C’ of its campus in person or over Telephone No.011-23385271/011-23381125/011-23098543 on working days between 10 am to 5 pm.
How to apply:-
Candidates are required to apply online at – upsconline.
No other mode is allowed for submission of application.
Visit –
Go to – What’s New
Click on – Exam Notification: National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (II), 2021
You’ll be directed to a new page, where to click on ‘Click here’ in the Link section
Again, you’ll be directed to a new page
Locate – Part Registration
Follow the instruction and fill the required information to register
The Commission has introduced the facility of withdrawal of application for those candidates who do not want to appear for the examination
NDA vacancies 2021:-
The details regarding NDA 1 vacancies have been announced along with the notification. A total of 400 vacancies have been announced for NDA (II) exam. For NDA (I) 2021 exam, a total of 400 vacancies were announced. The vacancies announced for NDA (I) and (II) are the same. The vacancy break-up of NDA (I) and NDA (II) 2021 exams are given below
Documents Needed:-
Aadhar Card,
Last Educational Certificates,
Nativity/ Domicile Certificate,
Pan card,
Caste Certificate
Selection Process:-
UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMBINED DEFENSE SERVICES selection process will be based on Filling the Application Form, Release of admit card, written test, Declaration of result, SSB Interview, Final Selection.
NDA 2021 Exam Day Guidelines:-
- Candidates should carry their NDA admit card to the exam centre
Along with the admit card, candidates should also carry one photo identity proof
Carry clipboard or hardboard and a black ball pen for marking their responses
Sheet for doing rough work is provided by the invigilator
Books, notes, loose sheets, electronic or any other type of calculators, mathematical and drawing instruments, log tables, stencils of maps, slide rules, test booklets and rough sheets are not allowed inside the examination centre
Strict action is taken against those candidates found copying or cheating
Official Link:-
Official Notice:- Download UPSC Examination Notification 2021 pdf
Official Website:-
UPSC Examination Notification 2021 Post is one of the most trending jobs today. All candidates who have the desire qualification and age as per official notification can apply. Here in this article, I have tried to cover all the details like age/qualification / how to apply and other more details. You can communicate with us through the comment section if you have any questions or suggestions or opinions.