Sainik School Amaravathinagar Various Recruitment 2021:– As per a recent announcement, Sainik School Amaravathinagar has invited applications for recruitment to 11 posts in different trades. Candidates eligible and interested in applying for Sainik School Amaravathinagar Various Recruitment 2021 can apply the offline method. The last date to apply for Sainik School Amaravathinagar Various Recruitment 2021 is 4/4/2021. In this article below you will get all the details about eligible criteria, age limit, pay scale, vacancy details, requires a date, and important links.
Details About Sainik School Amaravathinagar Various Recruitment 2021
Name Of Organization:- Sainik School Amaravathinagar
Official Website:-
Name of Post:-
Band Master
Ward Boys
PEM/ PTI-cum-Matron (Female)
PEM/ PTI-cum-Matron (Female)
Medical Officer
Nursing Sister (Female)
Vacancy Details:- 11 posts
Age Limit:-21 – 50 years
Qualification:– Band Master/ Band Major/ Drum Major Course at the AEC Training College and Centre, Pachmarhi or Equivalent Naval/ Air Force Course, Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) – 4 yrs Degree, Matriculation, M.B.B.S, Degree/ Diploma in Nursing
Pay Scale:- Rs. 9,000 – 39,500/-
Closing Date:- 4/4/2021
Full Details about Sainik School Amaravathinagar Various Recruitment 2021
Education qualification is very important for this job recruitment. Candidate should have Degree in Band Master/ Band Major/ Drum Major Course at the AEC Training College and Centre, Pachmarhi or Equivalent Naval/ Air Force Course, Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed) – 4 yrs Degree, Matriculation, M.B.B.S, Degree/ Diploma in Nursing.
Age Limit:-
To apply for this job the minimum age required is 21 years and the maximum age required is 50 years. All general, SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates can apply for the job if they belong to the same age.
Age Relaxation:-
If you are from SC / ST / OBC / PH, you will have age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC the age relaxation is 3 / 5 / 7 years ( Maybe ). 10 years of age for Person with Disability candidates. For general candidates, there is no age relaxation as per this job notification.
Application Fee:-
The applications of every eligible candidate should be accompanied by a non-refundable Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Gen & OBC) and Rs.300/- (SC/ ST) drawn in favor of ‘PRINCIPAL, SAINIK SCHOOL, AMARAVATHINAGAR’ payable at SBI, Amaravathinagar (Code 2191). This is also applicable to all eligible candidates whose names may be forwarded by Zilla Sainik Board or Employment Exchanges. Any application that is not accompanied by the non-refundable demand draft or if any applicant forwards an incorrect demand draft application will be rejected without notice/ intimation.
How to apply:-
Go to the Official site @
Then the Sainik School Amaravathinagar home page will be opened on the screen.
By scrolling down the page, you will find the “Vacancies” section.
Under that section, you will observe the “Sainik School Amaravathinagar Recruitment 2021 Notification” Link.
Next, give a click on that link
Now read the entire details of the notification carefully.
If you are interested and eligible for the above posts
Then fill and submit The Sainik School Amaravathinagar Application Form 2021 with all the attachments to the address before the last date – Principal, Sainik School, Amaravathinagar, Udumalpet Taluk, Tiruppur District, Tamilnadu 642 102.
Documents Needed:-
Aadhar Card,
Last Educational Certificates,
Nativity/ Domicile Certificate,
Pan card,
Caste Certificate
Selection Process:-
The Officials will conduct the Written Test and/or Interview for all short-listed candidates.
Official Notice:-
Click Here:- Download Sainik School Amaravathinagar Recruitment Notification 2021 pdf
Official Website :-
Conclusion :-
Sainik School Amaravathinagar Recruitment Notification 2021 Post is one of the most trending jobs today. All candidates who have the desire qualification and age as per official notification can apply. Here in this article, I have tried to cover all the details like age/qualification / how to apply and other more details. You can communicate with us through the comment section if you have any questions or suggestions or opinions.