Union Public Service commission 249 posts Recruitment 2021

Union Public Service commission 249 posts Recruitment 2021:- As per a recent announcement,Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has started the online application for recruitment to the post of Junior Technical Officer, Assistant Director, Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine), Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Public Health) and others. Interested and eligible candidates can apply to the aforesaid posts through the online mode at upsc.nic.in on or before 11 February 2021.Around 249 vacancies will be recruited through this recruitment process for the post of Data Processing Assistant, Assistant Public Prosecutor, JTO and others. Candidates can check educational qualification, age limit, salary, qualification and other details about the recruitment process here.

Details about Union Public Service commission recruitment 2021

Name of the organization:- Union Public Service commission
Advt No:- 02/2021
Official website:- www.upsconline.nic.in
Name of the Posts:-
Junior Technical Officer
Assistant Director
Specialist Grade III Assistant professor
Assistant Public Prosecutor
Data Processing Assistant
Vacancy Details:- 249 posts
Qualification:- Post Graduate,Diploma, Master’s degree, Law degree job
Age limit:- 30 – 40 years
Experience:- 3 years
Closing Date:- 12.02.2021

Full details about UPSC 249 posts Recruitment 2021

Education qualification is most important for this job recruitment. Candidates Bachelor of Technology(Oil Technology) or Bachelor of Engineering (Oil Technology) from a recognized University or Institute or Bachelor’s degree in Science with Post-Graduate Diploma in Sugar Technology from a recognized University or Institute./ Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Institute. / MBBS degree / Masters’ Degree in Social Work from a recognized University with specialization in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work or Family and Child Welfare or Generic./ Degree in Law of a recognized University or equivalent.

Age Limit:-
To apply for this job the minimum age require is 30 years and maximum age require is 40 years. All general, SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates can apply for the job if they belong to the same age.

Age Relaxation :-
If you are from SC / ST / OBC / PH, you will have age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC the age relaxation is 3 / 5 / 7 years ( Maybe ). 10 years of age for Person with Disability candidates. For general candidates there is no age relaxation as per this job notification.

Application Fee:-
Candidates are required to pay a fee of Rs. 25/- (Rupees Twenty five) only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card.

How to apply:-
Interested candidates can apply to the aforesaid posts through the online mode at upsconline.nic.in latest by 11 February 2021. The candidates can take a printout of the completely submitted online application latest by 12 February 2021.

Documents Needed :-
Aadhar Card,
Last Educational Certificates,
Nativity/ Domicile Certificate,
Pan card ,
Caste Certificate

Selection Process:-
Selection process is done by interview.

Official Notice :-
Click Here :- Download Union Public Service commission Recruitment Notification 2021 Pdf
Official Website :- www.upsconline.nic.in

Conclusion :-
Union Public Service commission Recruitment Notification 2021 Post is one of the most trending jobs today. All candidates who has the desire qualification and age as per offical notification can apply. Here in this article, I have tried to cover all the details like age / qualification / how to apply and other more details. You can communicate us through the comment section if you have any question or suggestion or opinion.