South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts

South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts: A great opportunity for candidates who are looking for Government job. South Western Railway has published an advertisement for filling up 11 vacancy. Name of the vacant posts is Scouts & Guides Quota. Eligible candidates who are interested to join may apply through online mode within 03.03.2018. If you are interested to know more about South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts, read below for detailed information.

Summary of South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts

Organization: South Western Railway
Vacancy: 11
Post Details: Group ‘C’
Name of the Category: Scouts & Guides Quota
Name of the Level:
1. Level-2: 03 Posts
2. Level-1: 08 Posts
Educational Qualification: 10th or 12th class pass
Closing Date: 03.03.2018
Closing date for remoted Area: 09.03.2018

Detailed Information About South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts

Educational Qualification:
1. Level-2: Candidates should possess Passed 12th (+2 stage) or its equivalent examination from Recognized Institutions or Matriculation Plus Course Completed Act Apprenticeship/ ITI approved by NCVT/ SCVT/ Diploma in Mechanical Electronics/ Automobile Engg in lieu of ITI from a recognized University or Institute.

1. Level-1: Candidates must have passed 10th class plus National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC)/ ITI from a recognized University or Institute.

As on 01.01.2018 applicants age limit should be 18-28 years. Upper age relaxation for reserve category candidates as per the Govt. Rules.

Selection Process:
Selection will be made through Written extermination/ Skill Assessment.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. 250/- for SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/ Persons with disabilities (PWDs), Women, Minorities and Economically Backward Classes, RS. 500/- for remaining categories through the form of crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) only, from any Post office drawn in favour of Asst. Personnel Officer/ Traffic, South Western Railway, Hubballi, payable at Hubballi.

Application Process:
Candidates are required to apply through online mode within 03.03.2018. I personally suggest don’t wait for the last date, should apply as early as possible.

Before applying online candidates should be scanned copies of photograph, signature & all relevant documents as mention given below:
a. Educational qualification certificate
b. Age proof certificate
c. Caste certificate if applicable
d. Voter Card etc for verification of citizenship
e. Recent passport size photograph
And also required a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile no., which should be kept active till the completion of this Recruitment Process.

Click here to get details

Click here to Apply Online

Note: I want to inform to the all eligible candidates to read the official advertisement very carefully about South Western Railway Recruitment for Scouts & Guides Quota Posts before the final submission of application form.