NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant, And Other Recruitment 2021

NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant, And Other Recruitment 2021:- As per a recent announcement, NMDC Limited has invited applications for recruitment to 304 posts in different trades. Candidates eligible and interested in applying for NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant And Other Recruitment 2021 can apply online at www.nmdc.co.in and offline method. The last date to apply for NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant, And Other Recruitment 2021 is 31/3/2021 and 15/4/2021. In this article below you will get all the details about eligible criteria, age limit, pay scale, vacancy details, requires a date, and important links.

Details About NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant, And Other Recruitment 2021:-

Name Of Organization:- NMDC Limited
Advt No:- 05/2021
Official Website:- www.nmdc.co.in
Name of Post:-
Field Attendant (Trainee)
Maintenance Assistant ( Mech) ( Trainee)
Maintenance Assistant (Elect) (Trainee)
Blaster Gr-II (Trainee)
MCO Gr-III (Trainee)
Vacancy Details:- 304 posts
Age:- 18 – 30 years
Qualification:- Middle Pass or ITI, ITI in Welding/Fitter/ Machinist/Motor Mechanic / Diesel Mechanic /Auto Electrician, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Heavy Vehicle Driving License.
Pay Scale:- Rs. 18,100 – 19,900/-
Closing Date:- online – 31/3/2021 offline – 15/4/2021

Full Details about NMDC Limited Field Attendant, Assistant, And Other Recruitment 2021

Education qualification is very important for this job recruitment. Candidate should have Middle Pass or ITI, ITI in Welding/Fitter/ Machinist/Motor Mechanic / Diesel Mechanic /Auto Electrician, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with Heavy Vehicle Driving License.

Age Limit:-
To apply for this job the minimum age required is 18 years and the maximum age required is 30 years. The upper age limit for this job is 18 for the candidates. All general, SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates can apply for the job if they belong to the same age.

Age Relaxation:-
If you are from SC / ST / OBC / PH, you will have age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC the age relaxation is 3 / 5 / 7 years ( Maybe ). 10 years of age for Person with Disability candidates. For general candidates, there is no age relaxation as per this job notification.

Application Fee:-
An amount of Rs. 150/- (Rupees one hundred fifty only) is to be paid by all the candidates as an application fee which is non-refundable. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD/Ex-servicemen categories and Departmental Candidates applying for the post through on-line/off-line mode will be exempted from paying the Application Fee.

How to apply:-
Online: Eligible candidates would be required to apply online through the NMDC website www.nmdc.co.in (link available on the “Careers” page of the website). The link will be available/activated from 10:00 AM on 11.03.2021 to 11.59 PM on 31.03.2021.
Offline: Candidates should send duly filled application in the prescribed format as specified in Annexure-I of notification to the following address: “Post Box No.1383, Post Office, Humayun Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana State, Pin- 500028” on or before 15.04.2021. Candidates are required to superscribe on the envelope i.e., the Employment notification number, name of the post, and name of the Complex/Project for which they are applying, while sending the application without which such applications are liable to be rejected.

Documents Needed:-
Aadhar Card,
Last Educational Certificates,
Nativity/ Domicile Certificate,
Pan card,
Caste Certificate

Selection Process:-
Field Attendant (Trainee): Written Test + Physical Ability Test
Maintenance Assistant ( Mech) ( Trainee): Written Test + Trade Test
Maintenance Assistant(Elect) (Trainee): Written Test + Trade Test
Blaster Gr-II (Trainee): Written Test + Trade Test
MCO Gr-III (Trainee): Written Test + Trade Test

Official Notice:-
Click Here:- Download NMDC Limited Recruitment Notification 2021 Pdf 
Official Website :- www.nmdc.co.in

NMDC Limited Recruitment Notification 2021 Post is one of the most trending jobs today. All candidates who have the desire qualification and age as per official notification can apply. Here in this article, I have tried to cover all the details like age/qualification / how to apply and other more details. You can communicate with us through the comment section if you have any questions or suggestions or opinions.