National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) Recruitment 2021

National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) Recruitment 2021:- As per the recent announcement, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) has invited applications for the Pharmacist, Receptionist, Stenographer and other posts. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) Recruitment Notification 2021 through the prescribed application format on or before 26 February 2021. NIHFW Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi is going to invite online applications for Pharmacist, Receptionist, Stenographer and other 20 posts in NIHFW Munirka. Persons who posses all the necessary educational qualifications and eligibility criteria may apply for the vacant posts. In this article below you will get all the details about eligble criteria, age limit, pay scale, vacancy details, requiereds date and important links.

Details of National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW) Recruitment:- 13 posts Job

Name of the Organization:- National Institute of Health and Family Welfare
Official Website:-
Name of the Posts:-
Stenographer Grade-III
Assistant Store Keeper
Copy Holder
Laboratory Attendant
Animal Attendant
Multi Tasking Staff
Vacancy Details:- 20 posts
Age Limit:- 18 – 30 years
Qualification:- Minimum Qualification Secondary Examination
Experience:- Minimum experience 2 years
Closing Date:- 26.02.2021

Full Details about NIHFW Recruitment – New Delhi Jobs

Education Qualification is very important for this job recruitment. Candidates must have completed Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized University. Candidates must have passed Matric or equivalent from a recognized School.Candidates must have passed High Secondary or equivalent from a recognized School.

Age Limit:-
To apply for this job the minimum age require is 18 years and maximum age require is 30 years. The upper age limit for this job is 18 for the candidates. All general, SC / ST / OBC / PH candidates can apply for the job if they belong to the same age.

Age Relaxation :-
If you are from SC / ST / OBC / PH, you will have age relaxation. SC / ST / OBC the age relaxation is 3 / 5 / 7 years ( Maybe ). 10 years of age for Person with Disability candidates. For general candidates there is no age relaxation as per this job notification.

Application Fee:-
For SC/ ST/ PWD/ Women category candidates, the application fee is exempted.
For other category candidates, the application fee is Rs.200/-
The payment of application fee can be made through Indian Postal Order/ Demand Draft in favour of “Director, The National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi”, payable at New Delhi.

How to apply:-
Interested candidates who have eligibility can apply for these jobs to the address of “Deputy Director (Admn.), National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Baba Gang Nath Marg, Munirka, New Delhi – 110067” , alternatively the application may be dropped in the drop box kept at the Gate No.1 of the Institute, on or before 26 January 2021.Candidates should send their duly filled in application form along with attested copies of educational certificates, experience certificates, caste certificate and other necessary certificates.

Documents Needed:-
Aadhar Card,
Last Educational Certificates,
Nativity/ Domicile Certificate,
Pan card ,
Caste Certificate

Official Notice :-
Click Here:- Download National Institute of Health and Family Welfare Recruitment Notification 2021 Pdf
Click Here:- Download National Institute of Health and Family Welfare Recruitment Application Form
Official Website:-

Conclusion :-
National Institute of Health and Family Welfare Recruitment Notification 2021 Post is one of the most trending jobs today. All candidates who has the desire qualification and age as per offical notification can apply. Here in this article, I have tried to cover all the details like age / qualification / how to apply and other more details. You can communicate us through the comment section if you have any question or suggestion or opinion.