GMC Recruitment 2015 for 40 Office Assistant

GMC Recruitment 2015 for 40 Office Assistant: A great opportunity for Graduate candidate who is looking for Government job. Office of The Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC) has published an advertisement for filling up 40 vacant posts in different branches on a contractual basis. Name of the vacant post is Office Assistant. Eligible candidates who are interested to join GMC may apply through standard form or plain paper within 24-08-2015. Are you interested to know more about the posts!!! If so, read below for detailed information.

GMC 40 Office Assistant Recruitment 2015 Summary

Organization: Guwahati Municipal Corporation

Advertisement No: GPR/120/2014/48/2447

Vacancy: 40

Post: Office Assistant

Age: 21-35 years

Educational Qualification: Graduate

Salary: Rs. 10,000/-

Closing Date: 24-08-2015
Declared List of Selected candidates for Interview: 21-08-2015
Interview of selected candidates: 03-09-2015

Detailed Information About GMC Recruitment 2015 for 40 Office Assistant Post

Eligible Criteria GMC

Educational Qualification:
Candidates should have possess a Graduation Degree in any discipline from recognized University. And should have 1 year Computer Diploma certificate with knowledge of MS Word, Power Point, MS Excel etc.

As on 01-01-2015 applicants age limit should be between 21 years to 35 years. Upper age relaxation for reserve category candidates as per the Govt. Rules.

Selection Process:
Selection will be made through an Interview. 160 numbers of candidates with the highest aggregate from marks obtained in Class 10th, 12th, and Degree Examinations shall be selected for the Interview. The list of the selected candidates for the interview will be published on the GMC official website at on 31-03-09-2015.

How to Apply for 40 Office Assistant post GMC Recruitment

Candidates are required to apply through standard form or plain paper within 24-08-2015. I personally suggest don’t wait for the last date, should apply as early as possible.

Step by step guide:
1. At first xerox and attested the following documents which shall be attached with the application form:
a. Educational qualification certificate
b. Age proof certificate
c. Caste certificate if applicable
d. Driving License or Voter Card etc for verification of citizenship
e. Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen
And also required 1 latest passport size photograph should be pasted on the application form and 1 self addressed envelop.

2. Next step, the application should either be typewritten or neatly hand written with blue / black ink on one side only, on full size plain paper.

3. Affix the photograph.

4. Duly filled in application along with supporting documents required to send to the address given below

The envelope containing the Application should be like the images below

Address GMC

» Click here for Official Advertisement «

Note: I suggest to the all candidates that, before applying for the GMC Recruitment 2015 for 40 Office Assistant post read the official advertisement carefully.