DEO Post in District Magistrate and Collector Office Hooghly WB

DEO Post in District Magistrate and Collector Office Hooghly WB: A great opportunity for Graduate pass candidates who is looking for Government jobs in West Bengal. Government of West Bengal, Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Hooghly has published an advertisement on their official website at for filling up 6 vacancies on contractual basis. Name of the vacant post is Data Entry Operator. Eligible candidates who are interested to join may apply through the prescribed format of application form within 09/02/2016. Are you interested to know more about DEO Post in District Magistrate and Collector Office Hooghly WB if so, read below for detailed information.

Summary of DEO Post in District Magistrate and Collector Office Hooghly WB

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Organization: Office of the District Magistrate & Collector

Vacancy: 6 posts

Posts Details: Data Entry Operator (DEO)

1. Hooghly Treasury (I & II)
2. Chandernagore Treasury
3. Serampore Treasury (I & II)
4. Arambagh Treasury

Age: 40 years

Qualification: Graduation

Salary: Rs. 11000/- per month

Closing Date: 09/02/2016

Detailed Information About District Magistrate & Collector Office Hooghly WB Recruitment for DEO Posts

Educational Qualification:
Candidates must pass the Graduation from a recognized University or Institution with minimum “O” level certificate in Computer Application.

As on 01/01/2016 applicants upper age limit should be 40 years. Upper age relaxation for SC / ST category candidates of the West Bengal 5 years for OBC category 3 years and for other reserve category candidates as per the Govt. Rules.

Selection Process:
Shortlisted candidates will be called for an Interview.

Application Procedure:
Candidates are required to apply through prescribed format which is available in the Recruitment section of the Hooghly District official website at Duly filled in application should be reach to the following address given below on or before 09/02/2016 by registered post. I personally suggest don’t wait for the last date, should apply as early as possible.

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Documents Required:
1. Recent passport size photograph
2. Photocopy of date of birth proof certificate
3. Photocopy of educational qualification certificate
4. Photocopy of caste certificate if applicable
5. Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen

District Magistrate & Collector
West Bengal

Click here for Official Advertisement ⇐

Note: I suggest to the all candidates that, before applying for the DEO Post in District Magistrate and Collector Office Hooghly WB read the official advertisement carefully.