Bus Drivers Recruitment Calcutta Tramways Company Limited: Golden opportunity for Class 8 pass candidates who is looking for Government job in West Bengal. Calcutta Tramways Company Limited (CTC) has published an advertisement on their official website at www.calcuttatramways.com for filling up 220 Bus Drivers vacancy on Contractual basis. Eligible candidates who are interested to join CTC may apply through the prescribed format of application form within 17/11/2015. Are you interested to know more about the Bus Drivers Recruitment Calcutta Tramways Company Limited If so, read below for detailed information.
Summary of Bus Drivers Recruitment Calcutta Tramways Company Limited |
Organization: Calcutta Tramways Company Limited
Vacancy: 220
Name of the Post: Contractual Bus Drivers
1. General – 120
2. Scheduled Caste – 49
3. Scheduled Tribe – 13
4. OBC A Category – 38
Age: 40 years
Qualification: Class 8 pass
Salary: Rs. 8,500/- per month (for 26 days steering duty in a month)
Closing Date for receipt of Application: 17/11/2015
Detailed Information About 220 Bus Drivers Recruitment CTC |
Candidates must pass class 8th standard. And should have a valid driving licence issued by the Licencing Authority for 5 years with licence for running Heavy Motor Vehicle for at least 3 years, as on 01.10.2015 and experience for driving bus for at least 3 years.
As on 01/10/2015 applicants upper age limit should be 40 years. Upper age relaxation for reserve category candidates as per the Govt. Rules.
Physical Standards:
Height – Minimum 5 ft. 3 inches
Selection Process:
Selection will be made through skill test, physical standard test.
Application Fee:
The candidates should have to pay a non refundable application fee of Rs. 50/- through Bank Draft drawn in favor of The Calcutta Tramways Co. (1978) Ltd.”. No Application fee required for SC / ST candidates.
Application Procedure:
Candidates are required to apply through prescribed format (which is given with the official notification) within 17/11/2015. I personally suggest don’t wait for the last date, should apply as early as possible.
How to apply step by step guide:
1. At first xerox and attested the following documents which shall be attached with the application form:
a. Educational qualification certificate
b. Age proof certificate
c. Caste certificate if applicable
d. Driving License or Voter Card etc for verification of citizenship
e. Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen
And also required 1 latest passport size photograph should be pasted on the application form.
4. Duly filled in application along with supporting documents required to send to the address given below
The Managing Director,
The Calcutta Tramways Company (1978) Ltd.
12, R.N. Mukherjee Road,
Kolkata – 700 001.
⇒ Click here for Official Advertisement ⇐
⇒ Click Here for Application Form ⇐
Note: I suggest to the all candidates that, before applying for the Bus Drivers Recruitment Calcutta Tramways Company Limited read the official advertisement carefully.