222 vacancy in North Bengal State Transport Corporation: North Bengal State Transport Corporation has announced a recruitment notice for 222 various posts. A great chance to class VIII / Class 10th pass candidates to apply for the post of 222 Driver, Conductor & Mechanic. If you are interested to join North Bengal State Transport Corporation 222 various posts, so don’t waste your time, apply as early as possible.
Summary of 222 various posts in NBSTC Recruitment – North Bengal State Transport Corporation |
Name of the organization: North Bengal State Transport Corporation
Total No. of posts: 222
Vacancy details:
1. Driver: 148 posts
2. Conductor: 56 posts
3. Mechanic: 18 posts
Age: 18-40 years as on 01.01.2015
Salary: Rs. 8,500/- per month
Qualification: VIII pass / Class 10th pass
Closing Date: 18/01/2016
Detailed Information About 222 various posts in North Bengal State Transport Corporation Recruitment |
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1. Driver: Candidates should have class VIII Pass. Candidates must have a valid driving license issued by the Licensing Authority for 5 years with license for running Heavy Motor Vehicle for at least 3 years.
2. Conductor: Candidates should have Class X pass or equivalent from any recognized Board. Candidates must possess a valid conductor license issued by the Licensing Authority and experience for working as bus conductor for at least 1 year.
3. Mechanic: Candidates should have Class 10th pass or equivalent and possess a Trade certificate from ITI in the respective trade from a recognized Institution. Experience in repairing of vehicles for at least 3 years from any Transport organization / Automobile workshop.
Physical Measurement for Driver & Conductor posts:
1. Driver: Height – 5ft 3inch, Eyesight – 6/6 (No colour blindness)
2. Conductor: Height – 5ft 2inch, Eyesight – 6/6 (No colour blindness)
Application Procedure:
Candidates should apply through offline mode. Application Form can be downloaded below the mentioned link. Filling up application form properly and sent to the address which is mentioned below along with all eligible certificates, Bank Draft and all testimonials on or before 18/01/2016 in drop box or by post.
The North Bengal State Transport Corporation
Paribahan Bhawan,
Post + Dist – Cooch Behar
Pin – 736101
Application Fees:
Candidates should have to pay a non refundable Demand Draft of Rs. 50/- in favor of North Bengal State Transport Corporation, payable at Cooch Behar.
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Required Documents & testimonials:
1. Self attested educational qualification certificate.
2. Self attested experience certificate.
3. Bank Draft
4. 2 self address envelop duly stamped of Rs. 5/- each.
Mode of Selection: Selection Process will be made on the basis of Physical Fitness Test & Interview.
Important Link:
⇒ Click Here For download Official Advertisement ⇐
⇒ Click Here For Download Application Form ⇐
Before applying, candidates must have to read official notification carefully about 222 vacancy in North Bengal State Transport Corporation wherein the application form is accurate.